About Matthew

Let’s make Emeryville a more livable, affordable, and joyful city

I am a climate change analyst, engaged resident on two city advisory committees, and 2024 candidate for the Emeryville City Council.

I’m running for City Council to fulfill my passion for making Emeryville a more livable and joyful place. I will bring a collaborative, solutions-oriented, and data-driven perspective to the Council.

In Emeryville, I’ve served on and chaired the city’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and Housing Committee for the past three years. While on BPAC, I contributed to the development of the city’s Active Transportation Plan and advised on a variety of bike safety projects, including on Shellmound and Horton streets. On the Housing Committee, I helped refine the city’s affordable housing programs.

Professionally, I work as an analyst, researcher, and project manager at a climate change nonprofit, using data-based analysis to track money spent on climate change solutions and identifying how to use these funds as effectively as possible.

I studied Public Policy and Economics at the University of Chicago, and grew up in New York City, which inspired my love of walking, public transportation, and urban parks. I live on Doyle Street with my wife, Laura.